Children's Literacy · Recommended Reads

What’s on Our Bookshelves 

A little look at the Spring books we will be reading with our toddler. What’s that you smell in the air?! It might be SPRING! I can hardly contain myself, while I’m trying to embrace seasonal living and have actually enjoyed Winter this year I’m still ready for longer days, blue skies and getting the… Continue reading What’s on Our Bookshelves 

Children's Literacy · Uncategorized

Raising Readers; When Phonics Isn’t Working and the Case for Storytelling

I'm going to say this and duck...phonics doesn't work for all readers. Phonics is a wonderful resource and ideal for teaching initial sounds and basic decoding but many children struggle to convert and construct the complex system of phonemes, trigraphs and split digraphs into one fluid sound to produce a word. Even worse they are… Continue reading Raising Readers; When Phonics Isn’t Working and the Case for Storytelling